Two-photon-induced stretchable graphene supercapacitors

Standing Enokitake-like Nanowire Films for Highly Stretchable Elastronics

Two-dimensional gold trisoctahedron nanoparticle superlattice sheets: self-assembly, characterization and immunosensing applications

ALD-Developed Plasmonic Two-Dimensional Au_WO3_TiO2 Heterojunction Architectonics for Design of Photovoltaic Devices

Near-Perfect Absorption of Light by Plasmene Sheets

Graphene_Enhanced 3D Chemical Mapping of Biological Specimens at Near_Atomic Resolution

Ultrathin Fresnel lens based on plasmene nanosheets

Electrical tuning of reflectance of graphene metasurface for unpolarized long wavelength infrared light

Degradation of Two-Dimensional CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite and CH3NH3PbI3/Graphene Heterostructure

Controlled graphene encapsulation: a nanoscale shield for characterising single bacterial cells in liquid