Dark-field microspectroscopic Analysis of Gold Nanorods in Spiral Ganglion Neurons

Quantification of ZnO nanoparticle uptake, distribution and dissolution within individual human macrophages

Injectable 3D hydrogel scaffold with tailorable porosity post implantation

Nanotopographic surfaces with defined surface chemistries from amyloid fibril networks can control cell attachment

Preparation of a soft and interconnected macroporous hydroxypropyl cellulose methacrylate scaffold for adipose tissue engineering

Optimized gold nanoshell ensembles for biomedical applications

DNA directed self assembly of core satellite plasmonic nanostructures: a highly sensitive and reproducible near IR SERS sensor

Writing 3D patterns of microvessels

Multi degree of freedom ultrasonic micromotor for guidewire and catheter navigation: the neuroglide actuator

Quantitative comparison of preparation methodologies for xray fluorescence microscopy of brain tissue