Metadevices with Potential Practical Applications

Metamaterial Lensing Devices

Label-free bacterial toxins detection in water supplies using porous silicon nanochannel sensors

Microscopic Imaging of the Stress Tensor in Diamond Using in Situ Quantum Sensors

Mid-Infrared Computational Spectroscopy with an Electrically-Tunable Graphene Metasurface

Rapid prototyping of highly ordered subwavelength silicon nanostructures with enhanced light trapping

Replication of a Tissue Microenvironment by Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography

Silicon photonics ionic sensor enabled by hybrid integrated 2DplasmonicMoO3

Uptake, depuration and sublethal effects of the neonicotinoid, imidacloprid, exposure in Sydney rock oysters

Vertically Stacked Silicon Nanowire Photodetectors for Spectral Reconstruction