Directing Energy into a Subwavelength Nonresonant Metasurface across the Visible Spectrum

Electrochemically Controlled Deposition of Ultrathin Polymer Electrolyte on Complex Microbattery Electrode Architectures

Multi?modal analysis of Plasmodium knowlesi?infected erythrocytes reveals large invaginations, swelling of the host cell and rheological defects

Phase controlled SERS enhancement

Plasmene Metasurface Absorbers: Electromagnetic Hot Spots and Hot Carriers

Rational Management of Photons for Enhanced Photocatalysis in Structurally-Colored Nanoporous Anodic Alumina Photonic Crystals

Replica moulded poly(dimethylsiloxane) microwell arrays induce localized endothelial cell immobilization for coculture with pancreatic islets

Stimulus-Responsive Antibiotic Releasing Systems for the Treatment of Wound Infections

Tissue engineered human prostate microtissues reveal key role of mast cell-derived tryptase in potentiating cancer-associated fibroblast (CAF)-induced morphometric transition in vitro

Building intermixed donor–acceptor architectures for water-processable organic photovoltaics