An Optically Responsive Soft Etalon Based on Ultrathin Cellulose Hydrogels

Building Laboratory-on-Tip for Imaging Biological Samples with Atom Probe Tomography

Experimental and theoretical demonstrations of ultraviolet absorption enhancement in porous nano-membrane graphene

Fabrication and Characterization of Resonant Aperture Antenna Arrays

Hybrid refractive-diffractive microlenses in glass by focused Xe ion beam

Ion Induced Bidirectional Bending for Controlled Manipulation at Nanoscale

Laser-inscribed stress-induced birefringence of sapphire

Local Crack?Programmed Gold Nanowire Electronic Skin Tattoos for In?Plane Multisensor Integration

Mapping insoluble indole metabolites in the gastrointestinal environment of a murine colorectal cancer model using desorptionionisation on porous silicon imaging

Mass spectrometry inside single proteins by atom probe tomography