Metamaterial for Hydrogen Sensing

Multi-Purpose Nanovoid Array Plasmonic Sensor Produced by Direct Laser Patterning

Multiscale Soft–Hard Interface Design for Flexible Hybrid Electronics

Novel Stenotic Microchannels to Study Thrombus Formation in Shear Gradients: Influence of Shear Forces and Human Platelet-Related Factors

Oxidation of Monolayer WS2 in Ambient is a Photoinduced Process

Residual solvent additive enablesthe nanostructuring of PTB7-Th:PC71BMsolar cells via soft lithography

Thermally Reduced Nanoporous Graphene Oxide Membrane for Desalination

Topological edge transport in millimetre-scale thin films of Na3Bi

Topologically Controlled Synthesis of Reversible Macrocyclic Compounds in Microemulsions

Ultimate limitations in the performance of kinoform lenses for hard x-ray focusing