Black silicon: substrate for laser 3D micro/nano polymerization

Optimized gold nanoshell ensembles for biomedical applications

Arrays of Arbitrarily Shaped Nanoparticles: Overlay-Errorless Direct Ion Write

Mechanically strong, optically transparent, giant metal superlattice nanomembranes from ultrathin gold nanowires

High performance carbon nanotube spun yarns from a crosslinked network

Cold spray metal embedment: an innovative antifouling technology

Plasma enabled growth of single crystalline SiC/AlSiC core-sehll nanowires on porous alumina templates

Self assembly of vertically aligned gold nanorod arrays on patterned substrates

Molecular engineering for panchromatic absorbing oligothiophene donor – pi – acceptor organic semiconductors

Localised deoxygenation and direct patterning of graphene oxide films by focused ion beams