Temperature-induced oriented growth of large area, few-layer 2D metal–organic framework nanosheets

Quasi physisorptive two dimensional tungsten oxide nanosheets with extraordinary sensitivity and selectivity to NO2

Highly crosslinked, chlorine tolerant polymer network entwined graphene oxide membrane for water desalination

Metal Ion-Loaded Nanofibre Matrices for Calcification Inhibition in Polyurethane Implants

Nano-thickness dependence of supercapacitor performance of the ALD-fabricated two-dimensional WO3

Luminescence of a Transition Metal Complex Inside a Metamaterial Nanocavity

Ambient Protection of Few-Layer Black Phosphorus via Sequestration of Reactive Oxygen Species

Rapid preparation of smooth nanocellulose films using spray coating

Durable superhydrophobic and antimicrobial cotton fabrics prepared by electrostatic assembly of polyhexamethylene biguanide and subsequent hydrophobization

Energetic deposition, measurement and simulation of graphitic contacts to 6H-SiC