Enhanced thermoelectric performance of graphene nanoribbon-based devices

Back-contacted hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite solar cells

Two-Dimensional CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite: Synthesis and Optoelectronic Application

A highly efficient thermo-optic microring modulator assisted by graphene

Tuning the oxygen functional groups in reduced graphene oxide papers to enhance the electromechanical actuation

Highly responsive MoS2 photodetectors enhanced by graphene quantum dots

Graphene-Bi2Te3 Heterostructure as Saturable Absorber for Short Pulse Generation

Synthesis and Transfer of Large-Area Monolayer WS2 Crystals: Moving Toward the Recyclable Use of Sapphire Substrates

Hybrid Graphene–Perovskite Phototransistors with Ultrahigh Responsivity and Gain

Solvothermal Growth of Bismuth Chalcogenide Nanoplatelets by the Oriented Attachment Mechanism: An in Situ PXRD Study