Efficient and Tunable Plasmon Excitation in Graphene-Bi2Te3 Heterostructure

Tunable surface plasmon wave plates

Plasmene origami

Nanostructured photoelectrochemical solar cell for nitrogen reduction using plasmon-enhanced black silicon

Nanotextured surfaces for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy and sensors

Actively Tunable Visible Surface Plasmons in Bi2Te3 and their Energy-Harvesting Applications

Two-Dimensional Bipyramid Plasmonic Nanoparticle Liquid Crystalline Superstructure with Four Distinct Orientational Packing Orders

Hot carrier extraction with plasmonic broadband absorbers

Transforming polarization to wavelength via two-color quantum dot plasmonic enhancement

Electron-beam induced diamond-like-carbon passivation of plasmonic devices