Reversible gating of smart plasmonic molecular traps using thermoresponsive polymers for single-molecule detection

Dual-Coded Plasmene Nanosheets as Next-Generation Anticounterfeit Security Labels

Emission enhancement and polarization of semiconductor quantum dots with nanoimprinted plasmonic cavities: towards scalable fabrication of plasmon-exciton displays

Plasmonic photo-thermoelectric energy converter with black-Si absorber

Substrate-Mediated Broadband Tunability in Plasmonic Resonances of Metal Nanoantennas on Finite High-Permittivity Dielectric Substrate

Excitation of bound plasmons along nanoscale stripe waveguides: a comparison of end and grating coupling techniques

Collective excitation of plasmonic hot-spots for enhanced hot charge carrier transfer in metal/semiconductor contacts

Surface plasmon wave plates

Plasmonic Core–Shell Nanoparticles for SERS Detection of the Pesticide Thiram: Size- and Shape-Dependent Raman Enhancement

Material effects on V-nanoantenna performance