Copper shines as flexible conductor


Highlighting research from researchers at Monash and MCN, Nanowerk shows how turning to copper has created ways of making flexible conductors cost-effective enough for commercial application.

Nanohub for Industry  

VPTN News 

The VPTN explores MCN’s vision to become a technical hub for industry, where companies can find expertise and instruments for high-grade micro/nano fabrication.

Gold shapes up as new-age sensor  

Phys Org  

Phys Org highlights the work undertaken by MCN Technology Fellow, Professor Wenlong Cheng, whose team is creating flexible and wearable blood pressure sensors.

Do it yourself diamonds – good for your health 


Dr Paul Spizzirri joins Ross Greenwood on 2GB to discuss the new diamond deposition suite, following a successful launch of the systems.

Diamond on Demand for new research opportunities  

Monash University News   

Monash News recaps the launch of the new diamond deposition suite and the high-profile visit from MP Christopher Pyne, who spoke at the event about the future of funding for higher education.

Beach-goers reprieve: Body has ways to deal with nanoparticles

The Age  

Highlighting collaborative work between MCN, CSIRO, Monash, RMIT and the Australian Synchrotron, The Age explains research which shows nanoparticles in suncream should not be a concern to people.