5S training and induction refreshers
Over the last six months, MCN staff have embarked on a mission to overhaul systems to make MCN a more efficient, organised and methodical workplace by undertaking a Lean training and business improvement program.
The program looks at optimising the processes and systems already in place to make them more efficient and simple for all employees and users to follow. This is especially important at MCN as many processes must be followed by a wide range of staff, visitors and users, with a range of experience levels.
All MCN technical staff are now accredited under the Lean program and have implemented a 5S program - sort, set in order, shine, standardize, sustain – to provide a system of reliability and accountability in all facets of MCN’s day-to-day activities. This is an industry standard that provides a structured, productive and clean working environment and includes the implementation of cleaning rosters, labelling systems to ensure shared items are kept in the right place, removal of unnecessary items in shared spaces, systems for stock replenishment, as well as instrument care and maintenance.
Many users will have noticed the signs of the 5S program around the MCN building in the labs, cleanrooms and shared meal and meeting spaces. On Monday September 1, MCN will be running a 5S training day for registered users of the facility. The session will start at 11 with a workshop in the boardroom and will include a light lunch. This will then be followed with a hands-on session in the labs from 2-5pm.
All users are strongly encouraged to attend the training workshop and are asked to assist with the implementation of this program by following rosters, replacing items in their correct place and taking note of signs and labels around the building. Through working together to follow these new systems, staff and users can work together to build a stronger, safer and more productive workplace for everyone.
MCN’s bi-annual induction refresher will be running from 10-11am on the morning of the 5S training session, as well as all the other days that week (1 – 5 September) so that users are able to attend both in succession. Both events will be held in the MCN board room and registration is not required.