Announcement of A/Professor Victor J Cadarso’s Appointment as MCN’s Deputy Scientific Director

We are pleased to announce that Associate Professor Victor J Cadarso has been appointed as MCN’s Deputy Scientific Director.

Dr Cadarso holds a PhD in Physics, which he obtained in December 2008 from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. His impressive academic journey includes research conducted at the Chemical Transducers Group (GTQ) at the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB), where he focused on Micro and Nanotechnology for the development of microsystems and biosensors.

In 2009, Dr Cadarso joined the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) as a Marie Curie Fellow, contributing to a project dedicated to the technology transfer between academia and industry in the field of polymer technologies. His dedication and contributions were further recognized when he was awarded the prestigious Ambizione Fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation in 2013. During this fellowship, he joined the Laboratory for Micro and Nanotechnology at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), where he made significant advancements in 3D nanolithography, fabrication of hierarchical micro/nanostructures, patterning of complex materials, and the development of photonic sensing elements.

In 2016, Dr Cadarso brought his wealth of knowledge and expertise to Monash University, joining the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering as a Senior Lecturer. In this role, he established a laboratory focusing on micro and nanotechnologies, sensing and imaging applications, soft matter, and surface modification for biomedical and environmental applications. Additionally, he was appointed as the Research Leader for the Centre to Impact Antimicrobial Resistance, showcasing his commitment to addressing critical global challenges.

We are confident that Dr Cadarso’s extensive experience and leadership qualities will significantly contribute to the continued growth and success of the MCN. Please join us in welcoming him.