High profile guests tour MCN

Professor Susan Pond AM inspecting a sample during the NCRIS review

In the first quarter of 2015, MCN had several high profile tour groups through the centre. The MCN cleanroom and laboratories were abuzz with activity as NCRIS review panel toured MCN in February to see first-hand how NCRIS facilities are being used by Australia’s research communities. Several case studies were on show and ANFF CEO, Rosie Hicks and MCN Managing Director, Dwayne Kirk lead the group in an engaging discussion about the future of nanofabrication in Victoria.
In conjunction with Automotive week in March, a delegation of Chinese automotive individuals with interests in the fabrication opportunities in Australia tour the centre. With MCN’s John Zhu and Technology Fellow Wenlong Cheng on hand to translate the tour, the group was shown some of MCN’s most exciting instrumentation and processes.
Both groups were impressed at the streamline design of the centre, first-class instrumentation and inspiring work undertaken by our staff and users.