Vote for the 2017 Image of the Year

Stella Aslanoglou and Qianqian Shi
The gold nanocube plasmene sits on top of Si nanowires. This is an image that combines a "soft" plasmene and "hard" Si nanowires. When they meet with each other, both of them maintained their own characteristics: the Si nanowires provide supporting while the ultra-thin plasmene keeps flat on the tips without any structure collapse and shows a semi-transparent feature.
This image was taken using MCN's FIB-SEM.
The ANFF-VIC Image of the Year shortlist has been decided and now it’s time for the winner to be selected.
Click the above images to see larger versions, and cast your votes by retweeting one of these tweets. The image with the most retweets by the deadline of 23 February will win the $200 cash prize.
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2017 Image of the Year