Guest Seminar with Professor Henry Snaith
MCN Board Room 151 Wellington Rd, Clayton, VIC, AustraliaMCN will be hosting a guest seminar held by Professor Henry Snaith followed by a BBQ and tours.
MCN will be hosting a guest seminar held by Professor Henry Snaith followed by a BBQ and tours.
The ANFF-Vic team will be exhibiting at the Emerging Sensing Technologies Summit 2016 (ESTS’16), held in Melbourne, Australia from 7-9 December 2016
Nanophoton, a Japanese equipment manufacturer, has been invited to give a seminar on its Micro-Raman Mapping and TERS techniques at MCN. The talk will be held in MCN's boardroom at 2pm on Wednesday, 23 November 2016.
MCN will be hosting a seminar on its latest equipment addition, a scattering-type Scanning Near-field Optical Microscope (s-SNOM).
The ANFF Annual Research Showcase this year will be held on Wednesday 16 and Thursday 17 November with a technology training day on Tuesday 15 November at the National Centre for Synchrotron Science (NCSS) building, Australian Synchrotron.
This intensive two day workshop will showcase the comprehensive suite of products offered in Synopsys’ TCAD. This includes industry leading process and device simulation tools, as well as a powerful GUI-driven simulation environment for managing simulation tasks and analysing simulation results.
On Friday, October 21st, MCN will be hosting a free 3D graphics workshop to introduce attendees to Blender, an open source 3D creation suite.
MCN is organising a free two-day EBL and Data Preparation workshop on September 28-29 (9am-4pm). Dr. Nit Taksatorn from GenIsys (Layout Beamer Software) will hold a workshop with a focus on new features in EBPG and Layout Beamer followed by a couple of selected applications from EBL user-base worldwide. As a part of this workshop, we will also have a separate session as our EBL users meeting.
On Thursday, September 15th, MCN will be hosting a BBQ — open to all users and facility stakeholders — in order to officially launch the 2016 ANFF-VIC Technology Fellow Ambassador (TFA) Program.
This symposium will offer over 2 days an interactive platform to learn about nano-scale resolved infrared spectroscopy through general lectures, case studies, modelling and data analysis session.